Roundabouts - are roads safer with them?


Roundabouts can cause unpleasant associations for inexperienced motorists. The fact is that such areas are regarded by drivers as the most dangerous. Significant difficulties arise when you need to choose the correct trajectory of travel. Since not all motorists know the Rules, mistakes are still made.

Statistics show that in areas where roundabouts are organized, the least accidents with serious consequences occur. More accidents happen at intersections that are equipped with traffic lights. Such statistics can be explained by the fact that motorists on the ring are focused on the situation. They better analyze the actions of other road users, and also slow down during the lap. In addition, there is no oncoming traffic - it is isolated by a ring, so there is no exit into the oncoming lane.

At intersections that are equipped with traffic lights, motorists feel more free. They rely solely on traffic lights and ignore the environment around them. As a result, accidents occur when vehicles from different directions collide with each other.

When the traffic light turns yellow, motorists do not slow down, but increase their speed and enter the intersection at a red one. This is not only a violation of traffic rules, but also the cause of the accident. Recall that motorists who move around the ring have priority. The only exceptions are those cases where additional precedence signs are used.

There are certain rules that should be observed when driving through such a section. So, when entering the ring, you need to turn on the turn signal to the right. To leave the ring, the motorist must change lanes to the far right and turn on the right turn signal. If a motorist leaves the roundabout from the left lane, he can create a major accident on the road.


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This news item is from RallyPulse - Rally and Auto News